You can request to subscribe to the listserv at the following URL:

This URL will also let you pick a password and set whether or not you wish to receive individual emails from the list or a daily digest.

Please also email with the following information:

  • Your full name
  • Your licensing information
  • A bit about your professional practice
  • How we can verify your information online (your professional website, online licensing board verification, etc.)
  • Your contact information

Or — you can just email and let us know all of this, along with whether or not you want individual emails or daily digests.

We are unable to accept new members with email accounts controlled by AT&T.  Please see this link for more information.

Potential members with any email account managed at Microsoft (including corporation accounts) need to follow the directions located here.

You can also unsubscribe at the following URL:

Look towards the very bottom of the webpage.

Unsubscribing can easily be done from your subscribed email account as well:

1a) Send an email to

1b) In either the subject line or the message body type “unsubscribe” (without the quotes).

1c) The system will email you to confirm you wish to unsubscribe. Simply reply to the message. There is nothing special you need to type. You are replying to a machine. It’s like an on/off switch. Be sure to check your spam and junk mail filters if you don’t see a reply message.